Frequently Asked Questions

Starting a food truck or trailer business comes with a lot of questions.
Here are some of our most commonly answered questions in one place:

1. What type of restaurant works better out of a trailer? What about a truck? Is there much of a difference?

Nearly all types of restaurants cross over into the mobile food genre, be it tacos to sushi, or burgers to donuts, there is no limit to what can be accomplished.

2. What are the benefits of building versus buying a used or refurbished vehicle?

Building from scratch means you can have the kitchen you want, designed to your needs and wants. It’s your ideas coming to life, not someone else’s dream that you’re adapting to. The simplest thing, for instance, could be that your cook is left-handed. This is an example of something that makes all the difference in how a kitchen may be set up, where the window will go, how the shelves are placed. All of this is important to create the most efficient environment possible.

3. What should I know about sizes? What would be too small for my business? Too big?

Size of truck or trailer comes down to the equipment you need to make the products you sell. It also comes down to the variety of your menu and estimated volume of product being made at a given time. If fries are your number one item, you may want three or four fryers to meet demand and avoid lineups at festivals or events. Size matters in this industry and you will find out quickly that you have to be creative with the room you have.

4. What are some of the average costs of operation?

Operational costs vary and we have much experience in the industry and are here to answer your questions. Answering your questions are free, and the more you ask, the better prepared you will be.

5. What type of insurance do I need to operate a food truck or trailer?

Standard business insurance is a must, and costs vary depending on your provider. However it is important to protect your investment and your clients in the event of unforeseen incidents. Insurance is a necessary evil in all business.

6. What are some important maintenance tips for prolonging the life of my vehicle?

CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN. Keeping your truck/trailer clean after each day is perhaps the best advice we can give. It is easy to let messes build up, but a clean food truck is an efficient food truck. Yearly maintenance and professional cleaning of the hood and suppressant system will ensure a safe workplace. Tires are often overlooked; it is what your business rests upon, so make sure they have air and are not worn. Treat it well and it will last!

7. What are best practices for cleaning the interior and exterior of the vehicle?

Follow health inspectors recommendations in regards to cleaning supplies, etc. Food grade approved cleaners are the best. They are a little more expensive but they are safe for you and your customers! Exterior can be washed like you would wash a car or RV:soap and water, with lots of elbow grease. Don’t pressure wash decals, it will cost you money.

8. What’s the best way to display my menu on the vehicle?

Every business is different. In our chip trucks we preferred a printed menu on the truck with interchangeable prices, but if your menu changes regularly that would be a challenge. We offer A-frame signs or mounted signs as an alternative, being a full print shop we have many options at our disposal.

9. What do I need to know about renting a vehicle?

Renting is often considered for single events or short term jobs. Rental is often much more expensive, as the owner of the truck or trailer takes on the risk of his/her equipment being misused or damaged etc. There are pros and cons, with the pros being your investment is less, the cons are that in a long term scenario can be very expensive.

Still have questions?

Feel free to send us a message or give us a call and we’ll be happy to chat with you.
Visit our contact page for more info.

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